Welcome everyone to our new school year 2024 -2025!
We are so looking forward to starting our new adventure all together and making some fabulous memories.
Our key enquiry question is ‘What am I?’ – we will be answering this question whilst we explore our mini questions throughout the term.
So far we have learnt abut what makes us different to animals and the same as animals, why some people are special and what makes us special.
Skills and Knowledge Overview
Below is the link for our skills and knowledge planner for our Autumn one an two terms.
It shows everything we will be learning and exploring in the curriculum.
What am I_ Half-term skills and knowledge planning overview THPA
‘Tell Me About’
Our ‘Tell Me About’ Sheet, below, is for you to use at home with your little one as the term progress. It has key vocabulary, concepts and themes around our key enquiry question. This recall will help embed the children’s knowledge as the term progresses and give you a deeper understanding of key concepts and vocabulary we are using.
Tell Me About sheet Phase 1 Cycle A terms 1 & 2
Please follow the link to see our timetable for terms 1 and 2.
You will be able to see what we are doing each day and all the fabulous things we will be taking part in.
New Starters –
Our fantastic reception family have settled in really well. If you would like to see more of the setting and staff please follow the link below, it is a transition book you can share together. There is information around staff and lots of pictures of our lovely environment you can share with your family and friends.
EYFS Children:
As the children start their reception year adventure, at the end of the year, we assess their learning inline with the Early Years Foundation Stage – Early Learning Goals (ELGs).
Sometimes, children will show different character’s and skills at home.
If you have videos or pictures showing your little one accessing technical equipment, sharing or telling a story or exploring the world then please feel free to share it on Tapestry.
Tapestry log on information will be sent out ASAP.
Below is the link so you can see the Early Learning Goals, if you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the team.
Our learning enquiry question will be explored further during our english sessions.
Our focus text is:
And next we will be exploring:
The children continue to learn Phonics using our Read Write Inc. scheme.
The children will be reading their books in school three times before bringing the books home to share with you.
Please continue to hear them read and sign in their reading record when they have read. If they read 3 times a week or more they will be a star reader! If they can do that all term those children can wear non school uniform on a designated day as a reward for their fantastic effort!
Who will be our star readers this term? Keep a look out on our social media platforms.
While the reception children begin to build their phonic knowledge, they will have the opportunity to take home a share a book to read together. Please feel free to log this in their reading record to help them begin to build a routine around sharing stories at home.
Regular reading practise is so important.
READING BOOKS – Reading books will be changed every Monday.
This is important to support the children build their knowledge alongside our phonic programme. It is valuable for the children to read the same book each evening, in doing so they will build fluency and speed, whilst deepening their understanding. Our goal is for the book to feel achievable and ‘easy’ to ensure reading is enjoyable allowing the message and story to be understood.
We will send home video links for Phonics lessons regularly. These videos will be targeted to your child’s needs or gaps in their learning at that time. They are only about 5 minutes long and your children will mostly be able to follow them without your support, so please find the time for them to watch them.
Reading Fluency:
Each week we have a focus story which we use to develop our reading fluency, comprehension, language and prediction skills.
We have enjoyed these stories so far, if you have them at home see if your child can read them to you, if you would like to borrow any please ask at the school office.
REMEMBER – ‘Reading’ looks different at this age, if they are turning the pages, reciting key phrases, using expression and summarising, your child is reading!
The children will begin/continue to learn their Maths following the mastering number sessions and NCETM Teaching for Mastery. Please help your child to recognise numbers around them and encourage them to practise counting up to 100 in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Look for 2D shapes (triangle, circle, rectangle and square) and 3D shapes (cube, cone, cuboid, sphere, cylinder) in your home and when you are out and about. What shapes can they find? Do they know their number bonds? We focus on making 5, 10 or 20? E.g 4+1=5, 6+4=10, 15+5=20.
The children need to develop quick recall of number bonds, so the more practise the better. The children have been learning to double numbers and recognise odd and even numbers. Can they recall their number doubles?
We have enjoyed using our outside space to support our maths learning this term and we are looking forward to showing off our learning.
Interactive learning at home:
Please continue the use of spelling shed and numbots to support your child’s learning.
If you can’t find your numbots log in then please let us know and we can let you have a new one.
P.E days will be Wednesday and fridays.
Year One – Please come to school in your P.E kits.
Reception – We will change before and after our P.E session.
I am always available, so if you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to speak to me and we can arrange a time to talk.
Here is to our amazing new adventure!